domingo, 3 de janeiro de 2016


Friday Message 

Good day!

I hope everything’s well with you and that you’re having a wonderful day!

Every Friday you will receive a message from me, your teacher, with something to improve your English!
Todas as sextas-feiras você receberá uma mensagem minha com dicas para melhorar seu inglês!

Seu progresso:
Beginners - Unit 1

Continue estudando
Today we’re going to look at homophones. These are words which have the same pronunciation (sound) but different meanings and spelling.
Hoje vamos estudar umas palavras homófonas, ou seja, palavras que são pronunciadas igual, mas têm significados diferentes e se escrevem de maneira diferente.

Let’s start with some very basic ones: “I” and “eye”.

“I” is the first person singular subject pronoun.

For example,

I live in Barcelona.
(Eu) moro em Barcelona.

We use our eyes to see.

For example,

I like your eye colour.
Gosto da cor dos teus olhos.

Let’s take a look at some more words and try to remember them to avoid confusion.

“ate” is the past simple form of the verb “to eat”.

Here is an example with “ate”:

We ate pizza for dinner last night.
Ontem à noite jantamos pizza.

“ate” is pronounced in the same way as “eight” (8).

Here’s an example with the word “eight”:

I have eight cousins.
Tenho oito primos.

“it’s” is the contraction of “it is” and “it has”.

It’s (=It is) sunny today.
Hoje faz sol.

It’s (=It has) been sunny all week.
Tem feito sol toda a semana.

“its” is a possessive pronoun.

The dog ate its food.
O cachorro comeu sua comida.

“to hear” is a verb which means “to perceive sound by the ear” while “here” is an adverb of place meaning “in or towards this place”.

Look at an example of each word:

I cannot hear you. Please speak louder.
Não te oiço. Fala mais alto, por favor.

Come here please!
Venha aqui, por favor!

Try to remember these simple words and it will help you speak and write in English better!
Tente lembrar estas palavras simples, isso irá lhe ajudar a falar e escrever melhor em inglês!

Have a nice day!

Best regards,

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