terça-feira, 19 de abril de 2016


Friday Message 
Hello there!

I hope you are having a lovely day.

Today we are going to look at how to form the past simple of regular verbs in the affirmative in English. There are a few things to bear in mind so let’s get started.

The past simple of regular verbs is formed by adding -ed to the base form of the verb (the infinitive without “to”).
For example:
O passado simples dos verbos regulares se forma adicionando -ed à forma base do verbo (o infinitivo sem “to”). Por exemplo: 

work - worked

wash- washed

watch - watched

jump - jumped

Take a look at some example sentences with the above regular past simple verbs:

John worked all day yesterday.
Ontem o John trabalhou o dia todo. 

washed my hair last night.
Lavei meu cabelo ontem. 

Susan watched the football match on TV two days ago.
A Susan viu o jogo de futebol na TV há dois dias. 

They jumped for joy when we told them our great news.
Eles pularam de alegria quando lhes dissemos nossa boa notícia. 

* Remember that the past simple form of regular verbs is the same for all persons (I, you, he, etc).
*Lembre-se de que o passado simples dos verbos regulares é o mesmo para todas as pessoas (I, you, he, etc). 

It’s also important to remember that there are a few rules to bear in mind when changing verbs into the regular past form:

• For regular verbs ending in the vowel –e, just add –d, for example,
Com os verbos regulares que terminam em vogal -e, apenas adicionamos um -d, por exemplo: 

hate - hated

hope - hoped

free - freed

• For some verbs that end in a vowel other than –e, add –ed, for example,
Com alguns verbos que terminam em uma vogal distinta de -e, adicionamos -ed, por exemplo: 

ski - skied

echo - echoed

• For regular verbs that end in a consonant -y, change the-y to -i and add-ed, for example,
Com verbos regulares que terminam em -y, trocamos o -y por -i e adicionamos -ed, por exemplo: 

cry - cried

try - tried

dirty - dirtied

I hope this has been informative for you. To learn more, check out 
unit 66 of the online ABA course.

Have a great weekend!

All the best,
ABA English Teacher
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Unit 01
Unit 01
Unit 02
Unit 02
The verb to have
Unit 03
Unit 03
Modal verbs
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