sexta-feira, 30 de junho de 2017


Friday Message

A Riddle
Hello again!

How are you?

I bet you already know what this message is for. It’s Friday again so it’s time for my Friday message ☺
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Today we’re going to look at something short but fun: a riddle (uma charada). A riddle is a puzzling question or a joke which seems nonsense but in fact has a clever or funny answer.

Look at the following riddle:

What starts with T, ends in T and has T in it?

Take a guess but if you think it’s too difficult, here’s a hint:

The letter “t” is pronounced in the same way as the hot drink “tea”.

The answer is a teapotThe word “teapot” starts with the letter “t”, ends in the letter “t” and is a container used for making and serving tea. :)
A resposta é “a teapot” (uma chaleira). A palavra "teapot" começa com "t", acaba com "t" e é um objeto que se usa para fazer e servir o "tea" ("tea" em inglês significa chá e se pronuncia como a letra "t", ou seja "tee" com um i longo) :)

Here are the translations of the words in bold which I used in this message plus some examples:

to betapostar

For example:

I bet you will get good marks in all your exams as you have been studying very hard recently.
Como você tem estudando tanto últimamente, aposto que você vai tirar boas notas em todos os exames.

puzzlingconfuso, desconcertante

For example:

It’s a puzzling matter.
É um assunto desconcertante.

a hintuma pista, uma dica

For example:

Since you’re finding it difficult to solve the riddle, I will give you a hint.
Como você não está conseguindo resolver a charada, vou-lhe dar uma pista.

Well that’s just it for our Friday riddle. If you got the correct answer with or without the hint, then excellent job!

Please remember that you can learn more new words by checking out the units of the ABA English course. Some of the words here were used in unit 10 of our complete course.

See you next time!

Best regards,

Your ABA Teacher
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